Adding an Asset

Adding an Asset

In this how-to guide we will walk you through adding an asset in the JadeTrack platform.

  1. Click the Administration button in the ribbon at the top of the page.

  2. Click the Assets option in the Manage drop-down menu.



  3. You will be redirected to the asset management page landing on the customer as a whole unless you were previously on a specific facility. In this case, you will land on that specific facility.

  4. Click the new asset button in the middle of the page directly underneath the ribbon with the customer or facility name.



  5. You will now be on the asset basic information in property detailed page.

  6. You must provide data in the boxes in red or with the red asterix.



  7. Syncing the property with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® can be achieved through the Property Details portion of the Asset Set Up page.  You must answer all questions in this area and then click on the “Sync Property” button to do so through JadeTrack



  8. After clicking “Sync Property”, if any additional details can be added to the property type to ensure the most accurate Energy Star Score or EUI, a table with such questions will appear.  It is NOT a requirement for set up that these questions be answered but is highly encouraged.  The only required question is “Total Gross Floor Area” which would have already been answered in Property Details



  9. It is recommended that you include information requested in the Time and Weather portion of Asset Set Up; however, it is not required unless this account is linked to a real-time interval data meter.  Typically, you can use the closest airport as the Weather Station.



  10. Once all necessary and/or available information is entered into the sheet, click save.



  11. You will return to the asset page.

  12. Follow the same procedure to add additional assets

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